
Jet Lag Fact Sheet

2019-11-06T12:47:44-06:00By |Jet Lag Disorder, Sleep Wellness Fact Sheet|

Jet Lag - What is it? If you travel across multiple time zones you may have difficulty adjusting; this difficulty is called jet lag. When you experience jet lag your body’s circadian rhythms are aligned to the previous time zone you were in. Therefore, your body may want to sleep or be awake at the wrong [...]

Blue Light Exposure Fact Sheet

2019-11-06T12:36:44-06:00By |Blue Light Exposure, Sleep Wellness Fact Sheet|

Blue Light Exposure - What is it? The largest source of blue light is sunlight. However, high concentrations of blue wavelength light are also produced by smartphones, tablets, television, high-efficiency light bulbs and other digital devices. During the day, the blue light in sunlight signals our brain that we should be awake, and alert. When the [...]

Bruxism Fact Sheet

2019-11-06T12:58:41-06:00By |Bruxism, Sleep Wellness Fact Sheet|

Bruxism - What is it? Bruxism is the involuntary or habitual gnashing, grinding, or clenching of teeth while you are asleep. If you are experiencing Bruxism, then you are more likely to have other sleep disorders as well, like snoring and sleep apnea. If the Bruxism is mild, there may be no treatment required, but [...]

PLM Fact Sheet

2019-11-06T12:59:17-06:00By |Periodic Limb Movements, Sleep Wellness Fact Sheet|

PLM (Periodic Limb Movements) - What is it? Periodic limb movements are repetitive limb movements that occur during sleep and cause sleep disruption. These episodes of uncontrollable movement usually occur in the lower limbs every 20-40 seconds. The movements are similar to muscle twitches and jerking movements but last longer, and these episodes can last anywhere [...]